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Pineapple chocolate a la Maaike.jpg


What do you need:

250 grams of pure Greensweet Belgian chocolate
20 drops Greensweet liquid stevia pineapple
Handy notes of your choice
4 dried apricots
Possibly some cranberry
Baking tin
Baking paper

This is how you make it:

Melt the chocolate au bain marie.
Chop the nuts, apricots and cranberry into pieces.
Add the pineapple drops to the chocolate and stir well.
Line your baking sheet with the parchment paper and pour the liquid warm chocolate in here.
Sprinkle the nuts, apricots and cranberry over it and press it a little.
Then put your can for a few hours in the refrigerator until the chocolate is hard.

Cut it into pieces, put a cup of tea and enjoy!


Source / photo: Maaike Smink (Fit Healthy Fabulous NL)