Cranberry pumpkin cake / bread
What do you need:
7 eggs
200 grams of cooked pumpkin
50 grams, butter melted (coconut oil can also)
2 tsp vanilla extract powder
1/2 ripe banana
1/2 tl salt
1 tsp bicarbonate (baking soda)
1 tsp-big-cup cinnamon
2 tsp biscuit or gingerbread spices (alternative: 1tl clove powder)
1 tbsp honey (optional)
4 small scoops Green Sweet Sweet.
50 grams coconut flour (= 1/2 cup)
125 grams of cranberries (mine were very acidic)
This is how you make it:
Pumpkin pieces in a little bit of water in 10 min.
Everything, except to throw the cranberries together - mix - cranberries - in form [(mini) cake baking form or muffin molds] - baking at 175 degrees for 40-50 minutes. With stevia 40 minutes. Probably the baking by the stevia has not risen much.
NB. The batter is very fluid.
The cake is a wet cake. By adding twice as much coconut flour the baking gets more bread structure.
Rub butter on and feast on it! :-)