Tomato soup
Large pan (3 liters) of tomato soup for the whole family.
Preparation time: 0-10 minutes
What do you need: (for 12 people)
2 packs of Vitafit Tomato Juice (Lidl)
2 medium onions chopped
1 can of tomato puree (140 gr.)
1 liter of poultry or chicken broth
500 gr. Soup balls (minced chicken)
2 cloves of garlic
30 gr. Flower
1 bunch of parsley
Olive oil
Few drops of liquid Greensweet liquid stevia Natural
Ginger syrup
Cream or crème fraiche
This is how you make it:
Fry garlic and onion in a generous dash of olive oil, add tomato puree. Add the flour and keep stirring until a thick mass is formed. Add a dash of broth and mix it gently with the mass. Then gradually add the rest of the broth and tomato juice (alternately). If necessary, smooth the mass with a hand blender (children do not like pieces in the soup). Add the soup balls. Bring the soup to the boil until the soup balls are tender and add the parsley. Season with a dash of ginger syrup, Stevia or sugar, pepper and salt
Serving tips
Finish with beaten cream or crème fraiche and parsley.